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How to Fight Loneliness and Boredom Working at Home

People who work alone are at high risk for depression and anxiety. The very nature of the work is crazy-making. We work insane hours, our brains never turn off, and we tend to neglect basic necessities.


Overcoming the psychological impact of working alone takes organization and planning.

Tips to Avoid Getting Crazy at Work

Wake Up Early

Training yourself to get up on time like you do have a more traditional job will get you into a routine that encourages productivity. Waking up early in the day so makes you stay motivated to work harder, faster and more efficiently in the hopes of finishing up the day early.

Dress the Actual clothes

When we put on an item of clothing it is common for the wearer to adopt the characteristics associated with that garment. If you are content to wear lazy clothing all day when working from home, you are probably more likely to act lazy, and therefore get less done.

Don't Work Where You Sleep

If wearing pajamas makes you lazier while working, working in bed triples that effect at the very least. Not only that, but it will stress you out to have the place where you do all your work also be the very spot where you try to relax and fall asleep at night.

Talk to Other Human Beings

By interacting with others on a daily basis, in whatever form, you'll continue to develop social skills. Take a class, join a team, or really anything that forces you to have a conversation with another human.

Go Outside

Your body needing of actual sunlight to live, going outside to do anything, run errands, take a walk, etc. is necessary for your mental sanity

Attend events

Conferences, networking and training. Go to networking not with the thought of getting more business, but as a way to meet people and build a support network.

Work Out

Being that sedentary isn't just harmful for your health, it's terrible for your motivation and discipline. Working out gives you a boost of energy that's incredibly helpful for productivity. It will get you thinking more clearly, and simply make you feel like you did right by yourself for the entire day.

Take a Break

Find what charges your batteries and makes you feel good and then allow yourself a couple hours to indulge.

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